Note: This post was originally published on our LinkedIn page, read the original post and join the conversation on LinkedIn by clicking here.
Thanks to everyone who came out yesterday for our sold-out networking event after an amazing day at the Intermountain Sustainability Summit – what a wonderful day full of reconnection and learning!
Thank you to Nalini Nadkarni for an incredibly inspiring keynote, your tapestry thinking mindset came up in discussion repeatedly throughout the day as a favorite learning.
Thanks to Alyssa Sheehan, Tracy Harden, Trish Kenlon, Bonnie Christiansen, Megan Ley, and Alice Mulder for all your work to make the USBC event a success!
Congratulations to Celia Peterson, Morgan Mingle, Mary Closser, Zack Darby, Andrew Hecht, Carolyn Wawra, and Emily Quinton on winning the Sustainability Collaboration Award for your awesome work on the Park City Green Business Program. So proud to have organizations like Recycle Utah, Visit Park City, Park City Municipal Corporation, and Park City Community Foundation collaborating to make our community more sustainable.
And thank you to yesterday’s speakers and exhibiters – it was so wonderful to see so many longtime USBC members sharing the important work that they are doing to advance sustainability here in Utah: Michelle Brown, Peter Nelson, Josh Craft, Jennifer Eden, and Tori Bird.