Note: This post was originally published on our LinkedIn page, read the original post and join the conversation on LinkedIn by clicking here.
Thank you to everyone who came out to our networking event at Baltic Pointe yesterday! It was a beautiful evening for touring Utah’s first mass timber commercial project and enjoying the stunning mountain views and gorgeous work spaces.
Special thanks to Ryan Bevan for teaching us about mass timber construction and embodied carbon, and to Melanie Charlton, NCIDQ, IIDA, SCCID, Megan Corrent Langford and Zach Fronk for showing us how intentional design can completely change the energy and feeling of a space. The thoughtful touches everywhere supporting wellbeing, collaboration, and community left many of us enjoying daydreams of working in a space like this someday.
Many thanks to Gardner Group, HB Workplaces and Pelion Venture Partners for sharing your beautiful space with us and being such gracious hosts! And an extra special thank you to Tracy Harden for running the show and making it all happen.